The City’s Arts Program is soliciting applications for grant funding to support arts-related projects in Beaverton. Projects must serve residents of Beaverton. Those projects that provide opportunities to historically marginalized and/or underserved community members are most likely to be funded. Project duration may vary and could be a one-time or recurring event, performance, art class, program, placemaking initiative, and more. Project duration may vary and could be a one-time placemaking event, performance or other artwork installation that is on display temporarily or permanently.

Proposals will be considered on a case-by-case basis and can include but are not limited to: design interventions, community projects, festivals, performances, public art, streetscaping, landscaping, and functioning public amenities such as creative wayfinding, decorative benches, tables and bicycle racks. Applicants should provide detailed information on what opportunities for which they are seeking funding, the challenges or site conditions that are being impacted and what this project would contribute to the residents of Beaverton. In short, we are asking applicants to get to the heart of why this project is relevant to the community and public space for which it was imagined, and what you hope to achieve both short and long-term if this project is awarded a grant. Please note:

  • Public place is defined as an area that is accessible, highly visible and open to the public, such as an alley, park, plaza or street. Projects can be on private property so long as they meet the definition of a public place. 
  • Proposals can be conceptual and do not need to identify all details regarding implementation and permitting specifics (e.g. insurance needs, precise location details, design qualifications, etc.). Grant recipients will receive guidance from City Staff to facilitate these implementation areas for their projects. 
  • Applicants are encouraged to instigate collaborative creative and community partnerships and should consider inclusivity in their approach.


Submissions will be reviewed by designated representatives of the City of Beaverton and the Beaverton Arts Commission. The following factors and criteria will be used to evaluate proposals: 

  • Neighborhood Participation & Community Partnerships (20 Points): Clearly define how the project will provide a creative solution for specific issues in the proposed area. Demonstrate community support and collaboration, and how the project will create strong partnerships in the neighborhood. Please provide letter(s) of support or commitment of partnerships if relevant to your application.
  • Creativity, Artistic Quality, Scope & Merit (20 Points): Proposals should be innovative, well-defined, goal-oriented, original and either visually or experientially compelling, and draw on community resources and talent. 
  • Planning, Feasibility & Maintenance (20 Points): Proposals should demonstrate how feasible the project is in terms of timeline, budget and available resources. Explain how the project will be safely produced, installed, maintained and removed. 
  • Economic & Community Vitality, Leverage (20 Points): How well does the project address the objectives of the grant program and catalyze a vision to enhance the vibrancy and economic vitality in a neighborhood? Proposals should include measurement tools for reporting on the success of the project and addressing challenges or opportunities in the neighborhood. 
  • Community Benefit & Social Impact (20 Points): Proposals should demonstrate how the project represents and boasts community identity, heritage, engagement and sense of place. 


  • Funding requests may be up to $5,000 per project  
  • This is not a matching-grant but we encourage applicants to leverage other funds raised to augment their projects. Applicants should include either potential or confirmed funding sources in their project budget. 
  • If the applicant is requesting the full award amount and their project budget falls over that amount, a clear fundraising plan must be presented with the application. 
  • Crowdfunding and fundraising through community engagement activities is encouraged 
  • If the organization is not a 501c3, the applicant must have a fiscal agent 


  • Application open: Thursday, January 16, 2025
  • DEADLINE EXTENDED: Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 11:59 pm PDT
  • Award Notification: by May 31, 2025
  • All funded activities must take place between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. 


Informed by Beaverton’s Community Vision, the goal of the Art Lives Here: Community Placemaking Grants program is to support place and neighborhood-based revitalization and activation projects that: 

  • Enrich the lives of Beaverton residents and visitors by integrating arts, culture and creativity into daily life and neighborhoods and making them accessible for all 
  • Nurture community collaboration; encourage partnership among artists and creative industries, businesses, cultural and other non- and for-profit organizations 
  • Contribute to economic vitality, instigate neighborhood revitalization and beautification, and promote our city as a place that is welcoming, vibrant, responsible, friendly, safe, and active. 
  • Inspire creativity and innovation by providing opportunities for local and regional talent, both emerging and established. 
  • Demonstrate cultural diversity, social equity and inclusiveness through the engagement of arts, culture and creativity in neighborhoods. 
  • Recognize and honor community identity and heritage; preserve and commemorate local and multicultural traditions and histories. 
  • Animate and enliven public spaces 
  • Increase public safety and awareness 
  • Capitalize on community assets and identity 
  • Create public spaces that promote health, happiness and well-being 


All applicants will be considered, but it is advisable that the primary applicant identify as one of the following:

  • Neighborhood Association Committees (NACS) or neighborhood-based group
  • Business Development Association or Chamber of Commerce, etc.
  • Business or placed-based organizations (non- and for-profit)
  • Individual professional artist or artist collective
  • School groups in the Beaverton School District 

The following INELIGIBLE APPLICANTS may participate through endorsement or partnership with the above eligible applicants, but may not apply directly: 

  • Religious organizations, government agencies, political groups, district councils, hospitals, or newspapers.
  • Individual Students 


Proposals will be accepted and considered for projects that: 

  • Are located in either an indoor or outdoor public place within the City of Beaverton, and are consistent with city policies and municipal code
  • Retain a project coordinator, either volunteer or paid position, who will act as the sole liaison with City Staff and will initiate, plan, implement and provide evaluation materials to the City.
  • Align with the program’s goals and objectives
  • Are tactile, physical or experiential objects or events that could inspire long-term, sustainable change in public places
  • Indicate a desired timeline or lifespan for the project (timelines may be flexible and evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
  • Are free and open to all members of the public
  • Comply with applicable design standards for accessibility based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Large Project Grant funding may be used to cover expenses directly related to the project, such as: 

Planning & Personnel

  • Project management, volunteer coordinator, community organizer

Professional Services & Fees

  • Permits (parks, construction, etc.)
  • Professional consultants (designer, engineer, artist, etc.)
  • Insurance (see Insurance & Liability Coverage below)

Material, Supplies & Maintenance

  • Art supplies (paint, printing, etc.)
  • Building materials
  • Equipment rental (audio/visual, tents, tables, etc.)
  • Landscaping (soil, shrubs, plants, mulch, rocks, logs, etc.)
  • Installation/De-installation
  • Maintenance needs


Project funds may not be used for: 

  • Projects on private property that are not publicly-accessible
  • Projects that have restricted participation and public access on the basis of race, gender, creed, origin, age, disability
  • Purchase of facilities
  • Maintenance, operation or retroactive funding of existing projects
  • Activities that are not tied directly to program objectives
  • Re-granting
  • Fundraising activities
  • General operating expenses and activities
  • Surveys or studies
  • Financial awards
  • Cash reserves and endowments
  • Food and beverage (unless demonstrated as a primary need or essential to an artist’s vision i.e. social practice projects involving food) 


This information can be made available in large print or audio tape upon request. Language translators, assistive listening devices, or sign language interpreters will be made available at any public meeting or program with three business days advance notice. To request these services, please email and reference Arts Program Grants. 


Through multiple phases of the project, grant recipients may be required to provide a project evaluation that includes expense reporting, project documentation (photographs, video and/or text), related press, an assessment of whether grant objectives were met and how the project was successful. 


Proposals for the Large Project Grant will only be accepted if the application form is completed and submitted online through Submittable with required documentation including: 

  • Project Budget
  • Up to six images or media files which visualize or demonstrate examples or sketches of your proposed project. This may include previous work but proposed work must be included.
  • Information and photos that capture the desired site or place. 


Beaverton Arts Program staff and Beaverton Arts Commission board members will review and evaluate proposals according to the established eligibility criteria. 

  1. Awards will be based on grant panel’s recommendations.
  2. Grant applicants can anticipate notification of grant award status in May 2025.
  3. Notification and information on award status can only be given after the grants process is complete.


All projects require a funding agreement between the grantee and the City of Beaverton before funds are awarded. 

Typically award money is paid out in two to three disbursements, depending on the scope of work and expected deliverables: 

  • After a contract between the City of Beaverton and the grantee has been completed.
  • Near completion or execution of project. Payment amounts and real costs can be negotiated under the terms of the agreement with the City of Beaverton.
  • A retainer amount held until final report, evaluation and images have been received by City Staff. 


The following insurance MAY be required, depending on the scope of work: 

Workers’ Compensation - State mandated coverage for employees injured on the job. Sole Proprietors (those with no employees) are not required to carry Workers’ Compensation. It is important to notify the City if this rule applies to you. 

Business Auto Liability - Coverage for liability (negligence) claims by a third party related to the operation of an automobile. Auto insurance is required of all contractors who will be operating a vehicle as part of their contractual duties for the City. The standard limit required $1,000,000. Contractors who use their personal vehicles can substitute their personal auto insurance for the business auto requirement. It is important to notify the City if this rule applies to you. 

General Liability - Coverage for liability (negligence) claims by a third party related to bodily injury (injury to another person) or property damage (damage to another person’s property). Limits will vary depending on the scope of work. 

Professional liability - Coverage for claims related to a "professional’s" error in judgment, planning or design. Examples of work requiring professional liability are architectural designs and engineering studies. NOTE: if a third party is hired to do such work, that third party is allowed to carry the insurance. To determine what type of insurance is required, final grantees will need to provide details on: 


  • What is the work? (medium, materials, weight, size)
  • Where event will be located and how many people will attend? Will food and beverage be served?
  • How many people are part of the process from inception to completion?
  • Are these people employees or all sole proprietors?
  • Is specialized/certified knowledge required of the project such as engineering studies or architectural rendering?
  • How will it be installed; where will it be installed; who will be installing it?
  • Will the public have access to the space during the installation?
  • What, if any, special equipment is necessary to install and who will be handling the equipment?


  • Where will event be located and how many people will attend?
  • Will food and beverage be served and if so, by whom?
  • How many people are part of the process from inception to completion?
  • Are these people employees or all sole proprietors?
  • Will alcohol be served on premises of event? 

IMPORTANT! Your contract with the City includes indemnification. You are responsible for any claims that arise out of your work with the City. Even if insurance is waived, it is in your best interest to determine any exposures and potentially purchase insurance to cover that exposure. 


For questions about the grant guidelines or application, contact Kourtnee Buechner at 

In Beaverton, the arts are a part of our identity. The arts build community, attract visitors, and drive progress. The Beaverton Arts Program contributes by presenting arts and cultural events and programs that celebrate community values and help connect residents to their artistic and cultural heritage. 

Arts Organizations and Projects grants are only open to 501(C) 3 organizations. Awards are available to organizations offering arts and culture-related programs, projects and events that benefit Beaverton residents and which bring people together to experience and explore art, celebrate cultural diversity and inclusion, spur engagement and stewardship of art, and/or educate the community on the value of art. 


These grants are offered by the City of Beaverton to enrich the lives of the Beaverton community by integrating arts, culture, and creativity into the city and its neighborhoods. Applications should focus on art and culture-related programming and involve an element of public engagement, arts-based learning or meaningful art experiences.  

In addition, we hope to promote projects that meet these goals: 

  • Prioritize social equity and inclusion through your organization’s mission, vision and values, and programs offered and/or proposed.
  • Nurture collaboration by encouraging partnerships between artists and other creative industries, businesses, and organizations both for- and non-profit.
  • Contribute to economic vitality, support neighborhood revitalization and beautification, and promote our city as a place that is welcoming, vibrant, responsible, friendly, safe, and active.
  • Inspire creativity and innovation in local and regional talent (emerging as well as established) by offering new opportunities and experiences in the arts.
  • Elevate our community assets, cultural identity, and heritage to nurture, honor, preserve, and commemorate our cultural traditions and histories.
  • Animate and rejuvenate public spaces.
  • Increase public safety and awareness by activating shared spaces.
  • Enliven public spaces to promote health, happiness, connectedness, and wellbeing. 


Submissions will be reviewed by designated representatives of the City of Beaverton and the Beaverton Arts Commission. The following factors and criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:

  • Neighborhood Participation & Community Partnerships (20 Points): Clearly define how the project will provide a creative solution for specific issues in the proposed area. Demonstrate community support and collaboration, and how the project will create strong partnerships in the neighborhood. Please provide letter(s) of support or commitment of partnerships if relevant to your application. Please provide letter(s) of support or commitment of partnerships if relevant to  your application. 
  • Creativity, Artistic Quality, Scope & Merit (20 Points): Proposals should be innovative, well-defined, goal-oriented, original and either visually or experientially compelling, and draw on community resources and talent. 
  • Planning, Feasibility & Maintenance (20 Points): Proposals should demonstrate how feasible the project is in terms of timeline, budget and available resources. Explain how the project will be safely produced, installed, maintained and removed. 
  • Economic & Community Vitality, Leverage (20 Points): How well does the project address the objectives of the grant program and catalyze a vision to enhance the vibrancy and economic vitality in a neighborhood? Proposals should include measurement tools for reporting on the success of the project and addressing challenges or opportunities in the neighborhood.
  • Community Benefit & Social Impact (20 Points): Proposals should demonstrate how the project represents and boasts community identity, heritage, engagement and sense of place. 

Applications must clearly demonstrate how the proposed programming will support at least one or more of the following: 

  1. Build awareness of the role and value of arts in Beaverton and increase public participation.
  2. Promote access and enhance learning, new and innovative art-making and practices, and encourage public participation in the arts.
  3. Prioritization of inclusivity in the proposed programming in representation, intended audience and discipline.
  4. Foster economic development in the community through the arts. 


  • Funding requests may be awarded up to $5,000 (please refer to eligibility to determine appropriate budget level).
  • This is not a matching-grant so we encourage applicants to seek additional opportunities to augment their funding.
  • If the applicant is requesting the full award amount and their project budget is greater than that amount, a clear fundraising plan must be presented with the application.
  • Crowdfunding and fundraising through community engagement activities is encouraged. 


  • Application open: Thursday, January 16, 2025
  • DEADLINE EXTENDED: Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 11:59 pm PDT
  • Award Notification: by May 31, 2025
  • All funded activities must take place between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. 


All applications must be submitted online at


All applicants must be an arts or cultural 501(c)3 organization or an entity represented by a 501(c)3 organization as a fiscal agent. 

Individuals, religious organizations, government agencies, political groups, district councils, hospitals, or newspapers are NOT eligible to apply. 


Organizations seeking support for specific programs or projects which may include but are not limited to performances, events, classes or arts-based activities. 


Arts Organizations and Projects funding may be used to cover expenses directly related to program and/or project related expenses. 


Funds awarded may not be used for: 

  • Projects on private property that are not publicly-accessible
  • Projects that have restricted participation and public access on the basis of race, gender, creed, origin, age, disability
  • Purchase of facilities
  • Maintenance, operation, or retroactive funding of existing projects
  • Activities that are not tied directly to program objectives
  • Re-granting
  • General operating expenses and activities (see Operational Assistance: Unrestricted Grants)
  • Surveys or studies
  • Financial awards or gifts
  • Cash reserves and endowments
  • Food and beverage (unless demonstrated as a primary need or essential to a program’s or project’s purpose i.e. social practice projects involving food) 


This information can be made available in large print or audio tape upon request. Language translators, assistive listening devices, or sign language interpreters will be made available at any public meeting or program with three business days advance notice. To request these services, please email and reference Arts Program Grants. 


Through multiple phases of the project, grant recipients may be required by city staff to provide a project update that may include expense reporting, project documentation (photographs, video, and/or text), related press, and an assessment of whether grant objectives are being met successfully. 

At the conclusion of the project, grant recipients will be required to submit a final report which will include expense reporting, project documentation (photographs, video, and/or text), related press, and a project narrative that addresses the scope of the project as realized, successes, and any areas where grant recipient encountered difficulties or diverged from the original proposal as submitted. 


Applications for the Arts Organizations and Projects grant will only be accepted if the application form is completed and submitted online through with required documentation including: 

  • Program/project narrative
  • Program/project budget
  • If applicable, up to six images or media files which support the proposed program or project and/or previous work. Applicants may also submit other supporting material – such as a brochure, newsletter, past review, etc. 


Beaverton Arts Program staff and Beaverton Arts Commission board members will review proposals according to the established eligibility criteria.

  1. Awards will be based on grant panel’s recommendations.
  2. Grant applicants can anticipate notification of grant award status in May 2025
  3. Notification and information on award status can only be given after the grants process is complete.


For questions about the grant guidelines or application, contact Kourtnee Buechner at 

In Beaverton, the arts are a part of our identity, helping to build community vibrancy and shared identity. The Beaverton Arts Program contributes by presenting arts and cultural events and programs that celebrate community values and help connect residents to their artistic and cultural heritage. 

Open Format Grants have a rolling deadline and award amounts up to $2,500 to arts and culture practitioners. This grant is intended to provide support for individuals or organizations that have needs not met by other traditional funding programs. We call it “open format” because we ask that applicants simply tell us what their most emergent and impactful needs are. Funds could be used to support studio, office, or venue rental; support staff positions; produce a discreet project; hire a consultant to lead strategic planning efforts for an organization, etc. The point is, you tell us what you need and we will consider funding it. 


  • Funding requests may be up to $2,500 per applicant
  • This is not a matching-grant but we encourage applicants to leverage other funds raised to augment their projects.


  • Submission deadlines: applications have a rolling deadline but the Grants Committee of the Beaverton Arts Commission will review requests for funding on a quarterly basis. These reviews will take place in March, June, September and December or until all grant funds are expended. Applicants will be notified of their funding request status by the end of each of these months. 


Informed by Beaverton’s Community Vision, the goals of the Open Grant program is to support requests for funding that meet one or more of the following goals: 

  • Demonstrate cultural diversity, social equity and inclusiveness and to help the City of Beaverton become increasingly welcoming, inclusive, representative, and responsive to historically underrepresented and underserved communities, particularly communities of color, immigrants, refugees and LGBTQ.
  • Nurture community collaboration; encourage partnership among artists and creative industries, businesses, cultural and other non- and for-profit organizations
  • Contribute to economic vitality, contribute to neighborhood revitalization and/or beautification, and promote our city as a place that is welcoming, vibrant, responsible, friendly, safe, and active.
  • Inspire or accomplish creativity and innovation.
  • Nurture and honor community identity and heritage; preserve and commemorate local and multicultural traditions and histories
  • Create public spaces that promote health, happiness and wellbeing.


All applicants will be considered, but it is advisable that the primary applicant identify as one of the following: 

  • Individual artists, artist collectives, curators or arts administrators
  • Non-profit organizations offering arts and culture programming
  • School groups that fall within the city of Beaverton
  • Individual Students

The following INELIGIBLE APPLICANTS may participate through endorsement or partnership with the above eligible applicants, but may not apply directly:

  • Religious organizations, government agencies, political groups, district councils, hospitals, or newspapers. 


Proposals for the Open Format Grant will only be accepted if the application form is completed and submitted online through with required documentation including: 

  • Letter of intent that describes the need and how funds will be used, if awarded
  • Budget that outlines the purpose and use of this funding, if awarded
  • If applicable, up to six images or media files which visualize or demonstrate examples or sketches of your proposed work, work that is similar to that which you are proposing, or previous work. Applicants may also submit other supporting material – such as a successful grant application submitted to another grant maker, newsletter, past review, media coverage, etc.


  1. Beaverton Arts Program staff and Beaverton Arts Commission board members will review proposals according to the established eligibility criteria. 
  2. Awards will be based on grant panel’s recommendations. 
  3. Grant applicants can anticipate notification of grant award on a quarterly basis. 
  4. If applicants are unsuccessful, we encourage them to re-submit their request for continued consideration. 
  5. Notification and information on award status can only be given after the Grants Committee has made its recommendations for funding.


For questions about the grant guidelines or application, contact Kourtnee Buechner at 

In Beaverton, the arts are a part of our identity, helping to build community vibrancy and shared identity. The Beaverton Arts Program contributes by presenting arts and cultural events and programs that celebrate community values and help connect residents to their artistic and cultural heritage. 

Small Project Grants are intended to provide support for new or unanticipated projects and those with an urgent timeline--especially for emerging artists, BIPOC and LGBTQ artists, students, or organizations new to the grant-making process. Projects could include workshops, art classes, and/or art activities that serve Beaverton residents. 


  • Funding requests may be up to $1,000 per applicant
  • This is not a matching-grant but we encourage applicants to leverage other funds raised to augment their projects.


  • Submission deadlines: Quarterly in March, June, September, December or until all grant funds are expended. Applicants will be notified of their funding request status by the end of each of these months.

Informed by Beaverton’s Community Vision, the goals of the Small Project Grant program is to support projects that meet one or more of the following goals: 

  • Demonstrate cultural diversity, social equity and inclusiveness and to help the City of Beaverton become increasingly welcoming, inclusive, representative, and responsive to historically underrepresented and underserved communities, particularly communities of color, immigrants, refugees and LGBTQ.
  • Nurture community collaboration; encourage partnership among artists and creative industries, businesses, cultural and other non- and for-profit organizations
  • Contribute to economic vitality, contribute to neighborhood revitalization and/or beautification, and promote our city as a place that is welcoming, vibrant, responsible, friendly, safe, and active.
  • Inspire or accomplish creativity and innovation.
  • Nurture and honor community identity and heritage; preserve and commemorate local and multicultural traditions and histories
  • Create public spaces that promote health, happiness and wellbeing. 


All applicants will be considered, but it is advisable that the primary applicant identify as one of the following:

  • Individual artists or artist collectives
  • School groups that fall within the city of Beaverton
  • Individual Students
  • Non-profits

The following INELIGIBLE APPLICANTS may participate through endorsement or partnership with the above eligible applicants, but may not apply directly:

  • Religious organizations, government agencies, political groups, district councils, hospitals, or newspapers.


Small Project Grant funding may be used to cover expenses directly related to the project, such as:

Planning & Personnel

  • Project management, volunteer coordinator, community organizer

Professional Services

  • Insurance
  • Marketing expenses
  • Permits (parks, construction, etc.)
  • Professional consultants (designer, engineer, artist, etc.)

Material, Supplies & Maintenance

  • Art supplies (paint, printing, etc.)
  • Building materials
  • Equipment rental (audio/visual, tents, tables, etc.)
  • Landscaping (soil, shrubs, plants, mulch, rocks, logs, etc.)
  • Installation/De-installation
  • Maintenance needs


Project funds may not be used for:

  • Projects on private property that are not publicly-accessible
  • Projects that have restricted participation and public access on the basis of race, gender, creed, origin, age, disability
  • Purchase of facilities
  • Maintenance, operation or retroactive funding of existing projects
  • Activities that are not tied directly to program objectives
  • Re-granting
  • Fundraising activities
  • Surveys or studies
  • Financial awards
  • Cash reserves and endowments
  • Food and beverage (unless demonstrated as a primary need or essential to an artist’s vision i.e. social practice projects involving food)


Proposals for the Small Projects Grant will only be accepted if the application form is completed and submitted online through with required documentation including:

  • Project narrative
  • Project budget
  • If applicable, up to six images or media files which visualize or demonstrate examples or sketches of your proposed project and/or previous work. Applicants may also submit other supporting material – such as a brochure, newsletter, past review, etc.


  1. Beaverton Arts Program staff and Beaverton Arts Commission board members will review proposals according to the established eligibility criteria.
  2. Awards will be based on grant panel’s recommendations.
  3. Grant applicants can anticipate notification of grant award status within four weeks of application submission.
  4. Notification and information on award status can only be given after the grants process is complete.

GRANT ASSISTANCE For questions about the grant guidelines or application, contact the Beaverton Arts Program at 


The City of Beaverton Arts Program is seeking proposals from choreographers/dance performers to create and perform a dance as part of Ten Tiny Dances® on Saturday, July 19, 2025.

Ten choreographers. One very small stage. Ten Tiny Dances. 

Nationally recognized and created in Portland by Mike Barber in 2002, Ten Tiny Dances invites diversity of response and provides a rich pallet of performance art for audiences/community members. The short dances confined by 4' x 4' stage become condensed statements of creativity and artist individuality. 

As an annual event since 2009, Beaverton TTD is an opportunity to present both contemporary and traditional dance, to publicly highlight the rich mix of cultures in Beaverton, and to expose audience members to culturally and artistically diverse performances.

The event presents both contemporary and traditional/ethnic dancers on a 4’ x 4’ stage in non-traditional/unexpected outdoor locations. The format offers applicants the opportunity to explore the concept of creative limitation, and the small stage also positions dancers in very close contact with the audience. Artists are offered the opportunity to create site specific performances. The Arts Program actively promotes the event, and audiences have been large, and receptive.

The City of Beaverton cares about the health and safety of its residents, employees, and performers and reserves the right to impose public health and safety-related measures at city events.


· Artist’s schedule

· For your convenience this is a pdf of the call to artist

· To help you submit the best application possible watch this 14-minute video of helpful hints

· Here’s a 3-minute video of last year’s TTD performances

· For more inspiration watch these samples of TTD performances


THU, JAN 9     Call to artist opens online 

THU, MAR 13  Deadline for artists to apply electronically, by 11:59 pm, PST

MAR/APR        Selection Panel meets to select performers to be included in TTD 2025

WED, MAY 1    Artists MUST attend this informational/site visit meeting from 6-8 pm

MAY /JUNE     ALL performers must attend a one hour rehearsal review with Artistic Director Mike Barber. Available dates: May 1, 7, 15, 20. Times to be determined after selection. 

FRI, JUL 18      Attend rehearsal (see schedule)

SAT, JUL 19    TTD event performance from 7-9 PM (see schedule)


  • Use of the 4’ x 4’ stage (18" high)
  • Dance must be a minimum of five minutes and no more than seven minutes in length 
  • Audience will be close to performers and may be on three or four sides
  • Concept should consider challenge and benefits of creative limitation due to the “tiny” stage format and close proximity to the audience. 
  • Your concept should consider the tiny stage and should be performed primarily within the confines of the stage, as opposed to off or around the stage.
  • Stage location will be at The Round Amphitheater 12600 SW Crescent St, Beaverton OR 97005
  • Performance is intended to be fully in The Round (seen by audience on all sides)
  • If your proposal includes a traditional/ethnic form of dance, please exercise discretion and care to not misappropriate or misrepresent
  • Creativity, including use of the tiny stage, is highly encouraged
  • Each of the 10 dances will be presented one time during the performance
  • Music level is difficult to control in outdoor spaces and there may be ambient noise bleed from the Max train or other sources
  • Dances can use more than one performer as well as recorded or live music, depending on preference (there will be professional sound equipment and technicians available) 
  • Licensing and/or written consent to use music must be obtained by artists in advance of the event
  • Dancers are encouraged to surprise, delight, or challenge the audience, but they must be family-friendly and appropriate for outdoor, public audiences.


A selection panel will review submissions from applicants and make recommendations to the Program Coordinator and Artistic Director. As you prepare the proposal for your application, please be aware that your application will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Strength of previous artistic work and proposed performance concept – 30 points
  • Artist has demonstrated intent in their application within their written narrative explaining why they are interested in the creative challenges (tiny stage, proximity to audiences, outdoor location) inherent in making work for Then Tiny Dances – 30 points
  • Artist’s work samples reflect their range and technical abilities as a performer (or performance group) – 20 points
  • Artist demonstrates clear vision and artistic innovation – 20 points
  • Proposed performance is suitable for a public audience – Y/N

In the spirit of encouraging new and emerging performers to take the stage, we will prioritize consideration of artists who have never performed with Beaverton’s Ten Tiny Dances but still recommend that you apply even if you have performed in the last few years.

Ten choreographers/dancers will be selected representing traditional, ethnic, and contemporary styles. We encourage proposals from artists that draw from contemporary, traditional, or ethnic backgrounds and dance forms. If you have multiple participants make sure that all of those collaborators are included in your proposal. 


  • Each performance group will receive $2,000
  • There are three required commitments to receive full payment: 1. Informational and site visit meeting ($500) 2. Conceptual Review meeting ($500) 3. Rehearsal and event ($1,000)
  • Checks will be distributed the day of the event
  • No additional funds are available for travel, musicians, etc. You decide how to allocate the funds.


  • Attend the site-visit orientation in May 2025, from 6-8 pm, the date is to be determined
  • Attend the required conceptual review/rehearsal with the artistic director, Mike Barber. The exact dates/times for the May/June visits will be determined after performers have been selected
  • Attend the event orientation and rehearsal on Friday, July 18, 2025, 6:30-8 pm
  • Send your digital music to the professional sound company at least two weeks prior to the event date
  • Perform dance on Saturday, July 19, from 7-9 pm
  • Choreographers and performers will receive the full fee ONLY if they participate in these three required activities:
  1. Attend the orientation/informational meeting, and site visit in May 2025 (at least one representative) | $500
  2. May/June review rehearsal with Mike Barber | $500
  3. Attend the rehearsal on Friday, July 18, and the event on Saturday, July 19 | $1,000


DEADLINE to apply is Thursday, March 13, 11:59 pm, PST

  • Written description of your 5 to 7-minute proposed dance performance. Please provide a clear description of the concepts and the dance/performance forms you will use
  • Description can be no more than 500 words
  • Include how you would categorize/classify your dance style
  • Resume/vita, no longer than 2 pages, in pdf format attached to your online application
  • Link to webpage showing video of your previous choreography and performance
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to identify exactly which 3–5-minute segment(s) of the web link the selection panel should watch. The review panel will not be able to watch more than the 3–5-minute section(s)
  • The selection committee finds it very helpful if the web link contains work that was done in a confined space, on a small stage, or if a 4’ x 4’ square is taped on to the floor representing the stage size


We are looking forward to receiving materials from a variety of qualified contemporary, traditional and ethnic choreographers/dancers. We do not want this application process to be a barrier to qualified applicants applying (i.e., those with limited English skills, speech, reading or hearing disabilities, etc.). If you are interested and need assistance, please contact us. 

Please email Debi Thompson at if you have questions or need assistance.